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sexta-feira, setembro 25, 2009

Libra Horoscopes - Sept 24th/25th.

Estava lendo meu signo, que recebo todos os dias na minha inbox, e gostei, particularmente do que disse hoje, 25/09, e ontem, 24/09. É nisso que gosto dos signos. Pra mim não traduzem com uma adivinhação e sim como um dado a ser observado no dia a partir da informação do que está sendo previsto pra você e é isso que olho e acho legal.
Abaixo o que dizia cada um:
Libra Horoscopes
(Sep 23 - Oct 22)
Thursday, Sep 24th, 2009 -- There may still be unresolved issues left over from a recent emotional meltdown and they probably won't be put to rest today. But you do have the capability of raising the game to a higher level where struggling for dominance or survival becomes less important. The key to this shift is temporarily focusing on the spiritual realms, rather than on the physical world. Acting with love instead of fear allows you to let go of anger and resentment. Listen to more about today with Rick Levine's

Libra Horoscopes
(Sep 23 - Oct 22)
Friday, Sep 25th, 2009 -- You may try to hide your emotional discomfort today, but your feelings will likely come out into the open anyway. Paradoxically, you might even be the person who inadvertently reveals what you have been attempting to keep secret. Instead of worrying about the consequences of what you might say, stay in the present moment and honestly deal with each situation as it arises


Realmente vou passar a ficar no presente e lidar com cada situação a medida que ela surgir.

E, no dia do meu níver, 23/09, veio outra informação que também julguei útil. :)

Libra Horoscopes
(Sep 23 - Oct 22)
Wednesday, Sep 23rd, 2009 -- You want to be fair about a decision you need to make, but it concerns others too and they may not agree with you. This can create enough tension for you to lose your temper now, especially if someone is applying an uncomfortable amount of pressure on you. Although you would rather work this out peacefully, standing up to a bully today can be exactly what's needed to put things back in order

É isso, por ora!!