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quarta-feira, julho 19, 2006

Enjoy the power of Life.

Foto tirada no Pratápolis Clube, dia 15/07/06, Eu,Klaus,Dione e João Paulo. Na foto Abaixo: Klaus,Eu, Renato, João, Edwin ( esquerda para direita).
Todos os amigos no clube.Dia legal, pra ser exato , noite.
I just saw a thing that got me crazy. I tried to get another thing, unsuccessfull, but it´s ok.
Things were just everything for me is fine, cos I always can get I look for, though I can say that "I still haven´t found Whom/what I am looking For"....who knows I´ll find it, or it is on my way home, would it be?
Let´s just live and let things happen, take advantage of every minute, every people, every scenery,every landscape, every sound, every music, every smile, every hug, every looking, every kiss, every feeling, every friendship, every brother - though we´re are all brothers heading the same path,way....that´s it...enjoy every second of your life as if it were the last....I have already began doing that, and you?....

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